Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hillebrand 2007 Limited Edition Gewurztraminer - $16.95

Today we're going to Hillebrand, where we are going to taste the Limited Edition Gewurztraminer - why all the whites lately you may be asking? Because I want to focus on the sunny and warm, not the bitter cold we going through. Have a listen to the Podcast to find out what bright and sunny tastes like, or, if you choose the more boring route, you can just read the tasting notes below (the Podcast is always more fun):

This Gewurzt starts off with a very Chardonnay-like nose of apples, it really takes some vigourous swirling to get the telltale Gewurzt-characteristics to come out. The palate is the same way, more subtle than in your face and it too needs a lot of coaxing. The taste comes in three stages: an apple beginning, a floral middle and a spicy finish ... quite nice indeed.

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