Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Vineland 1998 St. Urban Chardonnay - $30.00

This week we dive deep into the cellar at Vineland to try a 1998 Chardonnay ... take a listen to the Podcast to hear how I got my hands on a bottle of this, or you can choose to just read the tasting notes below (the Podcast is more fun though):

The nose was hell-bent on giving you pure buttered-caramel and it delivered with each swirl and sniff, it was followed on the palate with the merest hint of celery root. But it was the oak-sweetness, creamy texture, hint of fruits past and luscious lingering finish that stuck around, and hung about and just plain stayed with you long after you swallowed … wow. After 10-years this wine has aged gracefully and has turned into a stunning beauty – a grand dame if you will. Only 4 cases remain at the winery, so get on the horn and get your bottle before their all gone … oh, and did I mention this is a drink now wine – don’t hold it, savour it as soon as it is chilled, forget the food, this one should be enjoyed all by its lonesome.

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