Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Marynissen 2003 Cabernet - $14.50

If you hang around Marynissen long enough you’ll hear words and phrases like “best red wines”, “known for our reds”, “old world winemaking style”, “Oldest red vines in Niagara” and my personal favourite, “don’t touch the cat”. A recent stop into Marynissen elicited all those phrases plus, “the dog is tired from sleeping all day” – but I digress … The ’03 Cabernet is a “found wine”: a wine they thought they had sold out of but “found” a skid of – so after popping the cork on a bottle they determined it was doing quite well. It’s a 50/50 blend of Cabernets Franc and Sauv. The wine is showing well right now with leathery-black fruit, good firm tannins, good acidity level and quite a dry finish. This wine is good now and over the next 2-3 years. It’s also well priced from something they found in the “basement”, so to speak.

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